Primijenjeni teatar u Bosni i Hercegovini. Strateški razvoj i primjena u društvenoj zajednici / Applied Theater in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Strategic Development and Application in the Social Community
applied theater, acting, resources, community, educationAbstract
The primary goal of this paper is to examine the potential possibilities of applied theater in the social community in BiH. Applied theater projects can create a range of impacts: moments of happiness, a growing sense of recognition and emotional well-being to increased awareness of the social situation in the community. Applied theater is aimed at an individual who is not a theater professional of all ages, but is led by professionals, because, using the basic features of acting / drama studied at the Academy of Performing Arts, such as: action, situation, character, conflicted the relationship helps to identify participants with a focused problem of a specific target group and leads to communication about the problem and playing different potential solutions to the conflict. Applied theater is an interactive theatrical form that seeks an engaged spectator, not a passive observer, and deinstitutionalizes theater and leads to an audience that is not primarily theatrical. Forms of applied theater that are used experimentally and occasionally in pedagogical and educational work in BiH are mostly supported by the non-governmental sector, but there is no strategic engagement and development of professional academic staff, graduates, directors, playwrights and orchestrations with other university units. The paper will also present different forms / types / styles of applied theater, as well as documentary and documentary character and the possibility of different aesthetics, but also the synergy between forms and methodologies. The paper will analyze practical experiences and suggest platforms for scientific research and artistic research dedicated to drama as therapy as a dynamic force aimed at correcting social change.
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