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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Univerzitet u Sarajevu
7/II Obala Kulina bana
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
ISSN print: 0032-7271
ISSN online: 1986-5244
ISSN Supplement, 2018: 2637-3068 (Konferencija "Alija Izetbegović i njegovo shvatanje prava i države")
ISSN Supplement 1, 2020: 2637-3068 (Bibliografija "Pregleda" 1979-1991)
ISSN Supplement 2, 2020: 2637-3068 (Bibliografija "Pregleda" 2003-2020)
ISSN Supplement 3, 2023: 2637-3068 ("SAVJETOVANE - Budućnost obrazovanja: Visoko obrazovanje za održivi razvoj 2030" / "CONFERENCE - The Future of Education: Higher Education for Sustainable Development 2030")
ISSN Supplement 4, 2024: 2637-3068 ("Emancipacija žene u svjetlu PREGLEDA” / “The Emancipation of Women from the PREGLED's Perspective")
Indexing and Abstracting
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Sve procedure koje provodi Redakcija "Pregleda: časopisa za društvena pitanja" temelje se na COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) smjernicama.