Focus and Scope

Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Pregled: Periodical for Social Issues is a fourth month periodical and it contains papers in the field of social sciences and humanities that undergo double-blind peer review. The reviewed papers are categorised as:

  • original scientific papers
  • preliminary notes
  • reviewed scientific paper
  • professional/vocational article

In accordance with the Frascatti classification, papers to be published in the Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Pregled: Periodical for Social Issues may be classified in the following areas:

SOCIAL SCIENCES FIELD: Economics, Law, Political Sciences, Information and Communication Sciences, Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy, Educational and Rehabilitation Sciences, Speech Therapy, Kinesiology, Demographic, Social Activities, Security and Defense Sciences, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences;

HUMANITIES FIELD: Philosophy, Theology, Philology, History, History of Arts, Arts Science, Archeology, Ethnology and Anthropology, Religious Sciences (interdisciplinary field), Interdisciplinary Humanities;

ARTS FIELD: Theater Arts (Performing and Media Arts), Film Arts (film, electronic and media moving images arts), Art of Music, Fine Arts, Applied Arts, Dance and the Art of Movement, Design, Literature, Interdisciplinary Arts Field;

SCIENTIFIC INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELDS: Cognitive sciences (natural, technical, biomedicine and health, social sciences and humanities), Geography (physical geography, social geography, regional geography, applied geography), Integrative bioethics (natural, technical, biomedicine and health, biotechnical, social sciences, humanities), Educational sciences (psychology of education, sociology of education, political science of education, economics of education, anthropology of education, neuroscience and early learning, pedagogical disciplines), Gender Studies, Biotechnology within Biomedicine (field of nature, biomedicine and health, biotechnical field), Project Management;