Institucionalni dizajn američkog predsjedničkog sistema / Institutional Design of the American Presidential System
US Constitution, presidential system, separation of powers, democracyAbstract
The United States of America has a specific model of political system. It differs from other political systems due to its consistent separation of powers with a strong role of the president, and due to a stable traditional two-party political system. In order to understand the prospects for the development of new democracies, it is necessary to study the American presidential system and to look into experiences of American constitutionalism. The intention of this paper is not just to present the system to be implemented and then to expect desirable effects, but to understand that this successful model is the result of a long lasting fight for the respect of the Constitution and rights. This has been predicted and guided by the founders of the American Constitution, for whose outcome the most important was the democratic spirit of American man and American society. The basic method used in writing the paper is the historical method. In the study, the comparative method or the comparative law method was used and was of immeasurable importance. The application of the sociological method was also very important while writing the paper. The conclusions were presented emphasizing that the existing political institutions in the USA today are in direct connection with the institutions that preceded them in their long historical development, which testifies to their exceptional stability, because there are no essential changes in their physiognomy.
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