Obmana ili iskrenost? Dva priznanja pred Međunarodnim krivičnim sudom za bivšu Jugoslaviju / Fraud or Sincerity? Two Acknowledgments before the International Criminal Court for The Former Yugoslavia
Stevan Todorović, Damir Došen, Bosanski Šamac, Prijedor, crimes, admission of guiltAbstract
The author analyzes two cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), specific to the guilty plea of the accused. Stevan Todorovic, the chief of police in Bosanski Samac, is the highest-ranking official in the municipality who has pleaded guilty and expressed remorse for his own responsibility and the crimes committed. Damir Došen, a shift guard at the Keraterm camp in Prijedor, did the same. Were the acknowledgments of these two convicted war criminals an expression of true remorse or a way to avoid higher prison sentences by reaching an agreement with the court prosecutor's office? The answer to this question is suggested by the analysis of the behavior of Todorović and Došen after serving his prison sentence.
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