On Tolerance in the 21st Century from the Aspect of Communicology, Political and Social Science

Text is published in periodical "Survey" 3-4, 2005


  • Tatjana Lazić University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Political Sciences / Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Fakultet političkih nauka


One of the crucial parts of the post-structuralist philosophy of variety is to support variety with enthusiasm.The alternative to opening the gates of communication is defragmenting the modern to post-modern fragments that, standing alone have blurred shapes, but create different identification shapes and forms through interaction. A contemporary open communicative entity is understood to include the principles of permeability , interaction, tolerance and co-existence in order to create an objectivity of a multiple identity.




How to Cite

Lazić, T. (2008). On Tolerance in the 21st Century from the Aspect of Communicology, Political and Social Science : Text is published in periodical "Survey" 3-4, 2005. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 4(4), 233–243. Retrieved from https://pregled.unsa.ba/index.php/pregled/article/view/859



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