Kriza znanja u našem vremenu / The Crisis of Knowledge in our Time
knowledge, cognition, mind, ratio, emotions, dead bodies of knowledge, living bodies of knowledge, elitist bodies of knowledge, epistemeAbstract
A philosopher of our time from Skopje Hasan Džilo states that rational knowledge implies “piecing together of the mind” in a specific way – the way making one to gather all the elements of that act but not to overcome the emotions or to step out of the ratio’s boundaries when making some decision, to prevent leading to unforeseeable consequences. Then we can say we act and know how to control the world rationally. The rational does not reach for reason as the main criterion or “an arbitrator that will be in a position to control all our inner and outer reality ... the ratio processes, filters, cleanses, accepts, rejects, justifies ... by inertia of its will, which is not limited, without obeying any internal calls. The rationality from that point attempts to cover up or obscure the whole life and the reality.” In such situation, and which is our most common everyday experience and practice, everything real is declared as rational, i.e. all rational is proclaimed real. Therefore everything rational begins gaining upper hand, dominating, event to impose itself in almost entire modern life. Well, everything realistic justifies rational. Even wars, genocide, perilous and devastating productions (nuclear weapons) and poisons for the planet Earth are rationalized and justified as realistically and rationally as possible. Millions of refugees, millions of abandoned children, slaughtering, wrong remedies, destroyed natural resources are considered realistic, rational and mindful, because if all such reality can enter into the ratio and stay there without transgressing into irrational realm or far beyond, as many modern pragmatic philosophers consider to be the case, then there is nothingness beyond the rational and the reasonable, our contemporary reality is all in the mind, within the ratio, everything can fit it and be brood over, so it does not need to and cannot introvertedly turn towards itself, but what if it starts to spill outside the ration and the mind, than the majority does not know what to do with the overflown excess?!
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