Uticaj društva na transformaciju porodice / The Influence of Society on the Transformation of the Family


  • Adnan Fočo University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy




The family is the oldest form of social organization. From its creation until today, it has gone through numerous stages of its transformation. Its changes are conditioned by social development and their material and social assumptions. Family values are based on cultural and religious values, values of human community and human reproduction. At different stages of social development, the family occupied different functions and had different roles. They are conditioned by the degree of social democratization as well as the exercise of rights and freedoms that the systems enable their citizens, i.e. members of family communities achieve. The significant social


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How to Cite

Fočo, A. (2024). Uticaj društva na transformaciju porodice / The Influence of Society on the Transformation of the Family. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 64(3), 181–196. https://doi.org/10.48052/19865244.2023.3.181