Elektronsko izdavaštvo i otvoreni pristup na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu / Electronic Publishing and Open Access at the University of Sarajevo


  • Nadina Grebović-Lendo University of Sarajevo Library
  • Vahid Piralić University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy - Library
  • Fuada Muslić-Haseta University of Sarajevo, Rectorate




electronic publishing, open access, university libraries, academic libraries, electronic books, electronic journals


This paper presents the electronic publishing development at the University of Sarajevo through two projects, the development of the publishing portal of the Faculty of Philosophy and the implementation of the Open Journal System for the Social Issues Journal Pregled, published by the University of Sarajevo. As a technical solution, the electronic publishing portal of the Faculty of Philosophy combines Open Monograph Press and Open Journal System. Till now, three journals and more than sixty books published by the Faculty are available through this portal. In the previous period we completed the first phase of archiving the magazine Pregled with 1000 articles, accompanied by relevant metadata. This paper aims to present how librarians can contribute to the development of electronic publishing and open access. In the paper, we will also present plans for the next period that includes the creation of the Scientific Serial Publications Register of the University of Sarajevo.


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How to Cite

Grebović-Lendo, N., Piralić, V., & Muslić-Haseta, F. (2023). Elektronsko izdavaštvo i otvoreni pristup na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu / Electronic Publishing and Open Access at the University of Sarajevo. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 3(1), 479–490. https://doi.org/10.48052/19865244.2023.1.479