Razvoj muzičkog teatra na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu / Development of Musical Theatre at the University of Sarajevo
musical theatre, Music Academy, Academy of performing arts, iMTM, University of Sarajevo, master study, performing artsAbstract
The paper presents a historical overview of the development of musical theatre at the University of Sarajevo through the education of students at the Music Academy and the Academy of Performing Arts, whom participated in music and stage projects in the period from 2013 to 2021, produced by the Sarajevo Institute for music, theatre and multimedia. Research includes detailed review and comparison of theatre projects through quantitative analysis, that shows their importance for the development of the field and through the teaching process on the subject Voice, on the I and II cycle of studies at the Department of Acting of the Academy of Performing Arts. The aim of this paper is to point out the need to start the first regional interdisciplinary specialist master study for music theatre modeled on world higher education institutions, for which there is student interest, and which as such can be offered as part of internationalization projects at the University of Sarajevo. Finally, through the first art research project "Voice as an actor tool in musical theatre" of the Academy of Performing Arts, which will, in 2022, result in a theoretical template for this study, the author draws attention to the contextualization of artistic research processes as scientific research in education for the performing arts.
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