Kampus Univerziteta u Sarajevu – Smjernice razvoja / University of Sarajevo Campus – Development Guidelines


  • Lejla Hajro University of Sarajevo, Rectorate
  • Iris Bilalagić University of Sarajevo, Rectorate
  • Tarik Zaimović University of Sarajevo, Rectorate




higher education institutions, universities, campus and city, green campus


In cooperation with the Sarajevo Canton, the European Investment Bank, has been providing support to the drafting of a new University of Sarajevo Campus’ Master Plan. The project involves the commissioning of a master plan and a feasibility study, which will ultimately enable the spatial integration of various University of Sarajevo’s educational and scientific research units into single merged modern campus. The project task was carried out by the Campus Construction and Maintenance Directorate, in cooperation with the ARUP consulting company, based on an analysis of the current situation, existing planning solutions, adopted guidelines and real needs and interests expressed by the University of Sarajevo. The project assignment states, among other things, that the Campus development strategy must ensure improved working conditions for students and academic staff, as well as effective cooperation between faculties, academies and research institutes. An integral part of the Project Task is the Framework Study, the preparation of which was financed by the World Bank, and was made by the company ARUP based on the guidelines defined by the University of Sarajevo and the Sarajevo Canton. In the aforementioned study, the scope is divided into zones with different coefficients of construction and plot occupancy, and in addition to the planned construction of university facilities, one zone is intended for the construction of a university park.


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How to Cite

Hajro, L., Bilalagić, I., & Zaimović, T. (2023). Kampus Univerziteta u Sarajevu – Smjernice razvoja / University of Sarajevo Campus – Development Guidelines. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 3(1), 167–184. https://doi.org/10.48052/19865244.2023.1.167