Nedovršeni ideološki profil političkih stranaka u Bosni i Hercegovini / Unfinished Ideological Profile of Political Parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Katalizator usporene demokratizacije / Catalyst of Slow Democratization


  • Adis Arapović University of Sarajevo, Faculty for Administration - Associate Member / Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Fakultet za upravu - pridružena članica


political parties, ideology, party system, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Over twenty-five years since the establishment of the multiparty system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, neither the electoral nor party system has been completed to the extent that it encourages the consolidation of parliamentary democracy. The profiling of the political spectrum is not based on standard or classical political and ideological dichotomies, for example, left vs. right, liberal vs. conservative, libertarian vs. authoritarian, and political parties can hardly be classified into classical political typologies: liberal, populist, conservative, social-democratic, socialist, green, etc. The lack of profiling on the political spectrum is a simultaneous cause and consequence of the lack of ideological pluralization and profiling of the electorate, and as one of the parallel but capital consequences it is also the impossibility of achieving political consensus for managing the development of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which determines the overall democratization process and profile parliamentary democracy. The final outcome is slow, incomplete and dispersive overall democratic processes, so the questioning the lack of political tradition and culture, and the reasons why Bosnian party pluralism has not yet profiled standard political and ideological doctrines shaped by the formed group attitudes of the public, political parties and movements, and the economic expression of these ideologies through economic and social development.




How to Cite

Arapović, A. (2020). Nedovršeni ideološki profil političkih stranaka u Bosni i Hercegovini / Unfinished Ideological Profile of Political Parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Katalizator usporene demokratizacije / Catalyst of Slow Democratization. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 61(1), 85–100. Retrieved from



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