Ironija kao modus kulturalnog pamćenja / Irony as a Module of Cultural Remembrance

Intertekst srednjovjekovnih povelja i epitafa u Dizdarevom "Kamenom spavaču" / Intertext of Middle-aged Characters and Epitaphs in Dizdar's "Stone Sleeper"


  • Vedad Spahić University of Tuzla, Faculty of Philosophy / Univerzitet u Tuzli, Filozofski fakultet


intertextuality, citation, cultural memory, irony, ideology of loyal service, demystification of history, identity, prosopopoeia


In the light of the fact that noted connections between middle-aged Bosnian texts and poetic collection "Stone Sleeper" are a general place for local critical discourse, results of the exact analysis, which show that only ten or so such middle-aged epitaphs and charters show establishment of a relationship of explicit intertextuality (citation) with songs from this book, might seem surprising. This work dealt with those connections by methodologically leaning on classification of model of intertextuality offered by a German culturologist and Slavic Studies expert Renate Lachmann. Citation procedure with appropriate meta-creative gesture was used in cases when: (modul A) prototextual resource was in its basic sensea "concrete universal", (modul B) author's intention was oriented towards
specification and illustration of certain ideologemes important for Mak's vision of Bosnian and human general history. Results of this analysis showed that Dizdar's intertextually based conception of cultural remembrance with regards to Bosnian history is as much affirmative as it is able to do an ironic deflection from ideological conjunctures and reductionisms.




How to Cite

Spahić, V. (2017). Ironija kao modus kulturalnog pamćenja / Irony as a Module of Cultural Remembrance: Intertekst srednjovjekovnih povelja i epitafa u Dizdarevom "Kamenom spavaču" / Intertext of Middle-aged Characters and Epitaphs in Dizdar’s "Stone Sleeper". Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 1(1), 61–68. Retrieved from



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