Poricanje i zaborav / Denial and Oblivion

Stara "etika" srpskog nacionalizma / The Old "Ethics" of Serbian Nationalism


  • Zoran Todorović Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Serbia / Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије


Political elite, cultural elite, nation, nationalism, ideology, mass crimes, denial, oblivion, ethics


The paper presents an overview of the Serbian political and cultural reality in which an effort is made to relativize the consequences of the ideology of Serbian nationalism in the late 20th century. Political and intellectual elites who, even in the personal sense, are not disengaged in these social spheres, are perceived as the source of such an endeavor. Denial of the consequences of nationalism is focused as an organized, ubiquitous and supported project of the state of Serbia conducted by the highest political and state officials, state authorities and the media. The aim of this paper is to show that in Serbia there is a systematic social engagement in denying the Greater Serbian ideology and the consequences it brought to the 1990s. The negation of mass crimes committed on the territory of the former republics and in Kosovo, actualizes the cause-effect relationship between denying the consequences of the nationalist ideology and the current dynamics of its manifestation in this region.




How to Cite

Todorović, Z. (2020). Poricanje i zaborav / Denial and Oblivion: Stara "etika" srpskog nacionalizma / The Old "Ethics" of Serbian Nationalism. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 1(1), 197–216. Retrieved from https://pregled.unsa.ba/index.php/pregled/article/view/189



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