Bošnjaci u devetnaestom vijeku – Izazov modernosti / Bosniaks in the Nineteenth Century – The Challenge of Modernity


  • Neven Jakupović JP CESTE FBiH d.o.o. Sarajevo



Bosniaks, Bosnia, Pasha, Sanjak, Bosnian language


In this paper, an attempt is simultaneously made to inductively present the Bosniak response to the challenges of modernity, as indicated in his study by Prof. Fikret Karčić, with which no new history, national or state, was written, but an effort was made to shed light on one aspect of that history. Precisely on the principles of European historical and legal science, through a deductive approach, an attempt is made to follow the development of science and the way of analyzing various social phenomena in Europe in the nineteenth century, and one segment of this is the national history of Bosniaks and Bosnia in this period. Methodologically, historical-legal, comparative legal, dialectical (sociological) and dogmatic methods were used, individually and in their various combinations and variants. Certain conclusions were formulated, where it is first of all claimed that the tectonic changes experienced by the Bosniak people resulted in their full equal inclusion in the European political currents at an accelerated pace, although this participation is still tried to be minorized today.


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Imamović Mustafa, (2014): Historija države i prava BiH, Sarajevo: University Press i Magistrat

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How to Cite

Jakupović, N. (2025). Bošnjaci u devetnaestom vijeku – Izazov modernosti / Bosniaks in the Nineteenth Century – The Challenge of Modernity. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 65(3), 155–167.



Occasional Text / Prigodan tekst