Intenzitet primjene ključnih odrednica transformacijskog liderstva direktora osnovnih škola u Kantonu Sarajevo / The Intensity of Application of the Key Determinants of Transformational Leadership of Principals of Primary Schools in Sarajevo Canton
changes in education, transformational leadership, key determinants, teachers, principal's educationAbstract
Dynamics, uncertainty and unpredictability of change are present in all social spheres, including in the education sector. The position of the school director is considered crucial for creating an innovative school climate in accordance with environmental changes. The transformational leadership style is recognized as a style that enables capacity development, dedication and involvement of teachers in the process of innovative work in the direction of fulfilling the set goals of the school. Theoretical and empirical research proves that this leadership style in schools contributes to the empowerment of teachers in the application of innovative practices and the creation of an innovative school. Special emphasis is placed on the factors of building a vision, individual attention and intellectual stimulation by which transformational leaders motivate, inspire, encourage and stimulate teachers in intellectual work. This paper investigates the presence of the transformational leadership of primary schools principals in Sarajevo Canton. Using a sample of 675 teachers from 30 elementary schools, this paper examines whether and to what extent the principal's transformational leadership is represented using a quantitative research method. The results obtained on the basis of teachers' perceptions of the leadership of their principals show a high level of the presence of elements of transformational leadership: vision building, individual attention and intellectual stimulation. A high level of teacher evaluation indicates the director's readiness for innovative work, teachers' acceptance of a common vision and intellectual improvement in classroom work. Statistically significant differences in relation to the variables: gender, age, level of professional education, teaching area and years of work at the school, additionally explain the teachers' perceptions of the principal's transformational behavior. The teachers' acceptance of the change initiated by the director points to the need for systematic education of directors in the field of educational management, especially in the field of leadership.
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Zavod za planiranje razvoja KS; Predškolsko, osnovno i srednje obrazovanje 2023/2024, oktobar/listopad 2024.
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