Kreiranje i modifikacija identiteta na društvenim mrežama / Creation and Modification of Identity on Social Network


  • Antonio Topić University "Džemal Bijedić" Mostar, Faculty of Education
  • Dijana Ivanišević University "Džemal Bijedić" Mostar, Faculty of Education



virtual networking, self-presentation, narcissism, selfie culture


Decentralized media such as the Internet – affirms the loosening of inhibitions that normally in non-virtual communication and self-presentation enable the building of relationships that are in line with socially generally accepted norms of behavior whose authority fades within a medium that bypasses censorship of expression. In the time of emphasized individualistic culture, we witness the reductionism of identity on social networks. The focus is put on “branding” your own identity and the aim that goes toward marketing and not authetnic self-representation. The article will present a synthesis of a sociopsychological review of the problem of virtual networking, an attempt to look at a social phenomenon that requires multidisciplinarity through the prism of different approaches.


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How to Cite

Topić, A., & Ivanišević, D. (2024). Kreiranje i modifikacija identiteta na društvenim mrežama / Creation and Modification of Identity on Social Network. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 65(1), 73–90.