Koncept “Smart Regulation” u Evropskoj uniji i reforma javne uprave u Bosni i Hercegovini / Smart Regulation Concept in European Union and Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • Onahti Čerkez Ministry of Justice and Administration of Sarajevo Canton




public administration reform, European Union, better regulation concept, smart regulation concept, regulatory impact assessment, pre-accession assistance instrument


Public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina began in 2003 and has been implemented in a structured manner since 2006. Bosnia and Herzegovina has been on the path to European integration since February 2016. In this regard, public administration reform is defined as one of 14 key priorities, and it implies a more efficient, effective, accountable and transparent public administration, citizen-oriented and ready to meet all European requirements. Given the complex administrative arrangement of the state, public administration reform is quite slow. The aim of this paper is to present the efforts made so far by the European Union in terms of preparing Bosnia and Herzegovina for the status of a candidate country, and then the EU member states in terms of achieving the greatest possible harmonization of regulations. In order to later harmonize legislation with the acquis communautaire. This paper deals with the issue of public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina in connection with the concept of Smart Regulation in the European Union, which includes a set of basic principles that can be directly related to public administration reform, and which has developed in parallel in the European Union. Considering the EU's efforts so far in the process of public administration reform and the concept of Smart Regulation would create a more complete picture of the connection between the reform process and the concept that is futuristic for Bosnia and Herzegovina, given that it applies to member states.


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How to Cite

Čerkez, O. (2023). Koncept “Smart Regulation” u Evropskoj uniji i reforma javne uprave u Bosni i Hercegovini / Smart Regulation Concept in European Union and Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 64(2), 111–132. https://doi.org/10.48052/19865244.2023.2.111