Enciklopedista Muhamed Enveri Kadić: vizije i pouke / Encyclopedist Muhamed Enveri Kadić: Visions and Lessons


  • Ramiza Smajić University of Sarajevo, Institute for History




Bosnia and Herzegovina, history, archivist extraordinaire, Tarih-i Enveri


At the end of 2018, Gazi Husrev-bey library in Sarajevo and the renowned institution for historical research in the Republic of Turkey, Türk Tarih Kurumu, signed a protocol on cooperation on the project of preparing and publishing the regesta of the voluminous manuscript Tārīẖ-i Enveri, History of Muhamed Enveri Kadić. For the next four years, both of these institutions, which kept the first copies of the History, undertook a series of activities in order to realize the signed project. On January 13, 2023, the Gazi Husrev-bey library marked its 486th anniversary by promoting the planned and completed part of the work. The fact that the name and work of this special archivist, copyist, poet, epigrapher and bibliophile was known in detail by a limited number of people outside the fields of Orientalism, Ottoman studies and history, imposes the need to present, in a concise form, his character, work and visions.




How to Cite

Smajić, R. (2023). Enciklopedista Muhamed Enveri Kadić: vizije i pouke / Encyclopedist Muhamed Enveri Kadić: Visions and Lessons. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 63(3), 128–133. https://doi.org/10.48052/19865244.2022.3.128



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