Pisanje skraćenica za stručna zvanja novijeg datuma / Writing Abbreviations for Professional Titles of Recent Date

Jezička i zakonska rješenja u Bosni i Hercegovini / Language and Legal Solutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • Tarik Ćušić University of Sarajevo, Language Institute / Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Institut za jezik




Bologna process, Bosnia and Herzegovina, legal solutions, language solutions, bachelor's degree, master's degree


One of the novelties brought by the Bologna process are the names of academic and professional titles that are acquired upon completion of a certain cycle of studies, primarily the first and second cycles. A special issue is writing abbreviations for those titles. This paper discusses the legal solutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina that prescribe the way of writing abbreviations for professional titles of recent date, at the state and entity levels, as well as in the cantons, and language solutions on this issue given in recent spelling manuals of official languages in BiH, and especially in Bosnian orthography from 2017. The analysis of these two solutions shows that laws and spellings in different ways regulate and standardize the writing of abbreviations for professional titles of more recent date.




How to Cite

Ćušić, T. (2022). Pisanje skraćenica za stručna zvanja novijeg datuma / Writing Abbreviations for Professional Titles of Recent Date: Jezička i zakonska rješenja u Bosni i Hercegovini / Language and Legal Solutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Pregled: časopis Za društvena Pitanja / Periodical for Social Issues, 62(3), 45–59. https://doi.org/10.48052/19865244.2021.3.45



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