Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">Pregled is a journal which had been, in the early years of publishing (February 1910 – April 1913), oriented towards scientific and social issues. Pregled was first published at a time when the Bosnian Council was being convened (1910) and amidst Austro-Hungarian attempts to strengthen its authority through the constitution. In this period, a strong dichotomy was felt among the parties, regarding the national issue, while religious intolerance dominated. In such a situation, the Pregled journal was initiated. The journal’s subject matter was precisely defined, as well as the issues it would deal with, including scientific, social, political, literary and economical issues. Only the documented, scientific articles in the field of sociology, politics, science, literature and culture were published. Prof. dr. Jefto Dedijer was the editor-in-chief, while the Serb Shareholding Printing Press printed the journal. </p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">In a relatively short time period, Pregled established itself as a journal dealing with a wide range of cultural issues, relying on the progressive public and promoting political ideas opposing those of the Austro-Hungarian national orientation. The journal’s associates had clear views on the national culture, politics and freedom and would oftentimes publish their numerous disquisitions on scientific, cultural and social issues anonymously. In the first phase, Pregled was mainly a review which focused on social, political and cultural issues. Its aim was to stimulate the awakening of the national awareness in Bosnia and Herzegovina.<br />Although reasons why the journal Pregled, initiated by the domestic intellectual powers, stopped being published remain unknown, one can assume that the difficult situation and turbulence in all spheres of social, political and economic live of Bosnia and Herzegovina were the main causes.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">Pregled was published again on 7 February 1927, in the newly-formed state of Yugoslavia. Some former associates and initiators of the journal, together with a group of younger writers and cultural activists revived it. It became a weekly journal, published in a big format, with the same main thematic characteristic that had been defined before the war; this time enriched with excerpts from literature. Dr. Gojko Krulj was the publisher and editor-in-chief. Later those functions were performed by Borivoje Jeftić and Todor Kruševac. Dr. Jovan Kršić became editor-in-chief in 1932. He, together with Todor Kruševac, gave Pregled the recognizable appearance, until the year of 1942, when fascists attacked Yugoslavia.<br />In May 1946, a year after the liberation, Pregled reappeared. New conditions of life in socialist Yugoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was one of its republics, initiated it. At that time Pregled was a general review which sought to encompass all the problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the general problems of peculiar importance for the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. All kinds of scientific, artistic and journalistic articles were published. <br />Pregled ceases being a general review in 1948, as it starts to bring an increasing number of artistic and literary articles. However, it remained a journal for social issues in the widest sense of the word. In 1949, publishing of the journal was stopped, under the explanation that the issues treated by it, except for economy, were also discussed in some new journals. <br />In 1953, the publishing of Pregled was restarted with Hasan Brkić and Mladen Čaldarović as its editors-in-chief. Enver Redžić was editor-in-chief from 1964 until 1967. Pregled monitored and supported the work of self-managed structures in all the spheres of economy and social life, especially experiences in the socialist management of the economy. The journal dealt with the issues of older and recent history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the attempt to shed light upon some important events, through a historical-materialistic method, and remove different idealistic views, which made true understanding of the past difficult. Conceived in this way, Pregled was, in the period of ten years, among the few journals in the former Yugoslavia which autonomously, critically and courageously treated numerous economical, political, scientific-social and general cultural issues, thus gaining a significant reputation.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">A new editorial board took over the journal in 1967, with dr. Besim Ibrahimpašić as the editor-in-chief. The editorial board was located at the University of Sarajevo building, the 7/III Obala Street. University of Sarajevo became the publisher. (Pregled predavanja 1969/1970, University of Sarajevo, p. 21.). This new editorial board continued with the previously verified concept, so the journal abound in articles which carried the essence of the time it belonged to, all written with critical sensibility and feelings for the issues that needed to be addressed, discussed and judged. It treated all that was progressive in the tradition and reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Europe and the world. From 1971 to 1974 a new editorial board came to the scene with dr. Arif Tanović as the editor-in-chief. The journal focused more strongly on domestic issues and processes, examining all that was of the essence and stimulating all that was progressive. That was a journal which accepted no dogmatism and sectarianism, for which no issue was a taboo and no name was untouchable. </p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">All the subsequent editorial boards and editors (for example, Franjo Kožul, Fuad Muhić, Radovan Milanović) continued the work based on the best traditions of the previous boards of editors. Pregled enables the reader to learn about the current social issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as about the current political and social issues in Europe and the world. Promotion of critical discourse with a strong humanistic resonance makes Pregled a source of intellectual inspiration and an inspiring obligation to go forward.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify"><br />The last issue of Pregled was published in late 1990, when Džemal Sokolović was editor-in-chief. <br />After a 13-year-long break, in 2003, University of Sarajevo started publishing Pregled again.</p> en-US (Senadin Lavić) (Fuada Muslić-Haseta) Tue, 18 Feb 2025 13:03:20 +0000 OJS 60 Bespovijesno vrijeme Bosne i Hercegovine / Unhistorical Time for Bosnia and Herzegovina <p style="text-align: justify;">With the Dayton Peace Agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina entered its ahistorical, critical existential phase of its own historical arc. The possibility for the country to fully integrate within the walls of the European Union within a decade or two melted over time in front of the realpolitik of the West, which left Bosnia and Herzegovina in the form of a fragile state so that in the future it could serve as a currency of regional adjustment. To date, global political leaders have not provided a credible argument that would confirm, without calculation, that they really want to introduce Bosnia and Herzegovina into the community of European states in the same framework as it was accepted into the United Nations. The reasons for this positioning oscillate between global support for the idea of forming three large states of Southeastern Europe, on the one hand, and the need to contain the Muslim political factor, on the other. Both policies have their strong ethnic advocates within Bosnia and Herzegovina itself, which, as a territorially divided and socially xenophobic state, is deprived of its own capacities to participate in its own destiny. Therefore, today's Bosnia and Herzegovina is at an existential minimum, surviving as a country in which the only political blueprint of the advocates of its survival is hope, which, as in all places without an organized future, represents the refuge of the weak. From 1995 to today, hope in the Dayton peace has been waning for decades. while at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, at the time of the beginning of the restructuring of the global political order, there was no complete sobering up regarding its perniciousness. For those familiar with arguments and realpolitik, there was no doubt since 1993 and at the latest by 1995 that the project in which the state unitarism changes serve for peace, instead of regeneration of Bosnian state and society, cementing the results of the war. But they represented a persecuted or marginalized minority. The majority intellectual and general Bosnian opinion appropriately contextualized and rather late realized that within the Dayton context, which they advocated and defended so wholeheartedly, Bosnia and Herzegovina and they together with it are, in fact, its possible future victims.</p> Semir Halilović Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Intenzitet primjene ključnih odrednica transformacijskog liderstva direktora osnovnih škola u Kantonu Sarajevo / The Intensity of Application of the Key Determinants of Transformational Leadership of Principals of Primary Schools in Sarajevo Canton <p style="text-align: justify;">Dynamics, uncertainty and unpredictability of change are present in all social spheres, including in the education sector. The position of the school director is considered crucial for creating an innovative school climate in accordance with environmental changes. The transformational leadership style is recognized as a style that enables capacity development, dedication and involvement of teachers in the process of innovative work in the direction of fulfilling the set goals of the school. Theoretical and empirical research proves that this leadership style in schools contributes to the empowerment of teachers in the application of innovative practices and the creation of an innovative school. Special emphasis is placed on the factors of building a vision, individual attention and intellectual stimulation by which transformational leaders motivate, inspire, encourage and stimulate teachers in intellectual work. This paper investigates the presence of the transformational leadership of primary schools principals in Sarajevo Canton. Using a sample of 675 teachers from 30 elementary schools, this paper examines whether and to what extent the principal's transformational leadership is represented using a quantitative research method. The results obtained on the basis of teachers' perceptions of the leadership of their principals show a high level of the presence of elements of transformational leadership: vision building, individual attention and intellectual stimulation. A high level of teacher evaluation indicates the director's readiness for innovative work, teachers' acceptance of a common vision and intellectual improvement in classroom work. Statistically significant differences in relation to the variables: gender, age, level of professional education, teaching area and years of work at the school, additionally explain the teachers' perceptions of the principal's transformational behavior. The teachers' acceptance of the change initiated by the director points to the need for systematic education of directors in the field of educational management, especially in the field of leadership.</p> Zijada Rahimić, Aida Omersoftić Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Holistički pristup evaluaciji istraživanja i inovacija: Integracija scijentometrijskih indikatora i otvorene nauke / A Holistic Approach to Research and Innovation Evaluation: Integrating Scientometric Indicators and Open Science <p style="text-align: justify;">In the evolving trends of research and innovation (R&amp;I) performance measurement and impact assessment, the traditional scientometric system – largely relying on quantitative metrics such as h-index and journal impact factors – is increasingly under scrutiny due to its limited capacity to capture a wider spectrum of scientific impact. The emergence of open science challenges traditional paradigms by advocating for more transparent and accessible research processes. Theoretically, this study expands the discourse on scientific impact evaluation by advocating for a broader set of criteria encompassing societal and economic dimensions. Integrating open science principles into research evaluation can provide a more comprehensive view of scientific contributions and enable academic inclusivity, transparency, and societal relevance, in line with the ethos of open science. Conceptually, the study analyzes the coexistence and dynamics between scientometric and open science evaluation systems, exploring their competitive and collaborative relationships. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of each system, revealing that a complete replacement of the scientometric approach by open science is unlikely, nor is there stagnation in their development. The main findings suggest a future where scientometric and open science systems coexist and partially converge, especially in the area of research and innovation outcome evaluation. This convergence heralds a more democratic and inclusive approach to evaluating scientific research. For policymakers and organizers of innovative systems, this study offers insights into possible policies that promote open science practices, developing evaluation metrics that acknowledge diverse scientific contributions, and fostering a research culture that values both scientific rigor and societal engagement. Using an exploratory method based on theoretical concepts and practical insights, this study contributes to more nuanced understanding of changing paradigms in research evaluation.</p> Miloš Trifković, Melika Husić-Mehmedović, Maja Arslanagić-Kalajdžić Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Pravo na obrazovanje i roditeljska odgovornost / The Right to Education and Parental Responsibility <p style="text-align: justify;">The right of the child has become, in the civilizational development to which modern states, United Nations members belong, one of the key contents of building a new and better world order. This means that, from birth until full legal capacity, the child enjoys and must enjoy the rights corresponding to the duties of parents and guardians, and the political community at various levels. Such rights and duties are determined by international conventions and other documents that are binding for all United Nations members. Regardless of differences in the cultural, political and economic circumstances of individual United Nations members, there are universal rights of the child and, consequently, universal duties in every legal system. This paper clearly presents that the provisions of the international political order oblige the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina to eliminate the current state of insufficient implementation of its duties specified in its Constitution.</p> Džamna Vranić, Lejla Balić Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Neverbalna komunikacija u kontekstu invaliditeta i autizma / Nonverbal Communication in the Context of Disability and Autism <p style="text-align: justify;">The right of the child has become, in the civilizational development to which modern states, United Nations members belong, one of the key contents of building a new and better world order. This means that, from birth until full legal capacity, the child enjoys and must enjoy the rights corresponding to the duties of parents and guardians, and the political community at various levels. Such rights and duties are determined by international conventions and other documents that are binding for all United Nations members. Regardless of differences in the cultural, political and economic circumstances of individual United Nations members, there are universal rights of the child and, consequently, universal duties in every legal system. This paper clearly presents that the provisions of the international political order oblige the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina to eliminate the current state of insufficient implementation of its duties specified in its Constitution.</p> Mustafa Sefo, Borjana Miković Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Kob monaha Save: II dio / The Fate of the Monk Sava: Part II <p style="text-align: justify;">In the study The Fate of the monk Sava, author investigates and presents modern uses of the works of Nomokanon by Rastislav, the third son of Prefect Nemanja. Although the Nomokanon was created in the first decades of the 13th century, its ideological uses are an essential part of Serbian hegemony. And more than that, in that work, anti-Muslimism was elevated to the level of a Christian principle. That is exactly why it was used in almost all programs to destroy Slavic and Albanian Muslims. The research task of investigating the genocidal ideology of anti-Bosnia, the essential content of the crime of genocide and its threats of repetition, is not feasible without taking into account all the contents of culture, politics and economy in their long duration, which are involved in the denial of Bosnia and its religiously plural people. Until now, there have been no accounts of that work in the academic aspects of ethnonational politics, which need both theological and political enemies. The epistemological framework of the study is the theological and philosophical aspects of the prophetic heritage and their modern interpretations for the purposes of ideological homogenization and related denial and destruction of religious plurality.</p> Rusmir Mahmutćehajić Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Bošnjaci u devetnaestom vijeku – Izazov modernosti / Bosniaks in the Nineteenth Century – The Challenge of Modernity <p style="text-align: justify;">In this paper, an attempt is simultaneously made to inductively present the Bosniak response to the challenges of modernity, as indicated in his study by Prof. Fikret Karčić, with which no new history, national or state, was written, but an effort was made to shed light on one aspect of that history. Precisely on the principles of European historical and legal science, through a deductive approach, an attempt is made to follow the development of science and the way of analyzing various social phenomena in Europe in the nineteenth century, and one segment of this is the national history of Bosniaks and Bosnia in this period. Methodologically, historical-legal, comparative legal, dialectical (sociological) and dogmatic methods were used, individually and in their various combinations and variants. Certain conclusions were formulated, where it is first of all claimed that the tectonic changes experienced by the Bosniak people resulted in their full equal inclusion in the European political currents at an accelerated pace, although this participation is still tried to be minorized today.</p> Neven Jakupović Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Bosanski muslimani (Bošnjaci) između čekića i nakovnja / Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks) between the Hammer and the Anvil <p style="text-align: justify;">Text is a book review by Adnan Jahić, <strong><em>Between the Hammer and the Anvil. Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks) during WWII (1941-1945)</em></strong>. Zagreb: Bošnjačka nacionalna zajednica za Grad Zagreb i Zagrebačku županiju, 2023., 707 str., ISBN: 978-953-7922-24-5</p> Husnija Kamberović Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Primjerna studija iz komunikologije, historije novinarstva Bosne i Hercegovine i etnogeneze Bošnjaka muslimana / An Exemplary Study from Communicology, History of Journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ethnogenesis of Bosniak Muslims <p style="text-align: justify;">This text is a review of a book <strong><em>Communication variable</em></strong> by Najil Kurtić, University Press, Sarajevo, 2024.</p> Enver Halilović Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Geopolitika Palestine u mišljenju i djelovanju bosanskog akademika Esada Durakovića / The Geopolitics of Palestine in the Thought and Activism of the Bosnian Academician Esad Duraković <p style="text-align: justify;">This text is a review of a book <strong><em>PALESTINA na savjesti čovječanstva (Palestine - the Guilty Conscience of Humanity)</em> </strong>by academician Esad Duraković, PLANJAX KOMERC d. o. o., Jelah – Tešanj and KULT-B, Sarajevo, 2024.</p> Ahmed Kico Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Mali leksikon znanstvenika Bosne i Hercegovine / Small Lexicon of Scientists of Bosnia and Herzegovina <p style="text-align: justify;">The text is a review of the book by Jasmin Branković et al. (ed.), <em><strong>160 Bosnian-Herzegovinian Scientists: Small Biographical Lexicon</strong></em>, Mostar: Federal Ministry of Education and Science (Sarajevo: Dobra knjiga), 2022, presented at the Ceremonial Session of the Council for Science of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science in Sarajevo on 12th December 2024.</p> Mirza Hebib Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 How Improving Brain Health Benefits the Economy / Dobitak za mozak: Kako poboljšanje zdravlja mozga koristi ekonomiji <p style="text-align: justify;">This text is part of Centre for Health and Healthcare, available at: <a href=";utm_medium=social&amp;utm_campaign=broadcastchannel">;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_campaign=broadcastchannel</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Sa engleskog jezika prevele i prilagodile: Aleksandra Hohnjec, mag.oec. i Jadranka Dorešić, dipl.oec. Udruga Elektronički i računalni klub (ERK), Ivanić-Grad, Hrvatska</p> Andy Moose, Kana Enomoto, Harris Eyre; Aleksandra Hohnjec, Jadranka Dorešić Copyright (c) 2025 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000