Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">Pregled is a journal which had been, in the early years of publishing (February 1910 – April 1913), oriented towards scientific and social issues. Pregled was first published at a time when the Bosnian Council was being convened (1910) and amidst Austro-Hungarian attempts to strengthen its authority through the constitution. In this period, a strong dichotomy was felt among the parties, regarding the national issue, while religious intolerance dominated. In such a situation, the Pregled journal was initiated. The journal’s subject matter was precisely defined, as well as the issues it would deal with, including scientific, social, political, literary and economical issues. Only the documented, scientific articles in the field of sociology, politics, science, literature and culture were published. Prof. dr. Jefto Dedijer was the editor-in-chief, while the Serb Shareholding Printing Press printed the journal.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">In a relatively short time period, Pregled established itself as a journal dealing with a wide range of cultural issues, relying on the progressive public and promoting political ideas&nbsp; opposing those of the Austro-Hungarian national orientation. The journal’s associates had clear views on the national culture, politics and freedom and would oftentimes publish their numerous disquisitions on scientific, cultural and social issues anonymously. In the first phase, Pregled was mainly a review which focused on social, political and cultural issues. Its aim was to stimulate the awakening of the national awareness in Bosnia and Herzegovina.<br>Although reasons why the journal Pregled, initiated by the domestic intellectual powers, stopped being published remain unknown, one can assume that the difficult situation and turbulence in all spheres of social, political and economic live of Bosnia and Herzegovina were the main causes.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">Pregled was published again on 7 February 1927, in the newly-formed state of Yugoslavia. Some former associates and initiators of the journal, together with a group of younger writers and cultural activists revived it. It became a weekly journal, published in a big format, with the same main thematic characteristic that had been defined before the war; this time enriched with excerpts from literature. Dr. Gojko Krulj was the publisher and editor-in-chief. Later those functions were performed by Borivoje Jeftić and Todor Kruševac. Dr. Jovan Kršić became editor-in-chief in 1932. He, together with Todor Kruševac, gave Pregled the recognizable appearance, until the year of 1942, when fascists attacked Yugoslavia.<br>In May 1946, a year after the liberation, Pregled reappeared. New conditions of life in socialist Yugoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was one of its republics, initiated it. At that time Pregled was a general review which sought to encompass all the problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the general problems of peculiar importance for the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. All kinds of scientific, artistic and journalistic articles were published.&nbsp;<br>Pregled ceases being a general review in 1948, as it starts to bring an increasing number of artistic and literary articles. However, it remained a journal for social issues in the widest sense of the word. In 1949, publishing of the journal was stopped, under the explanation that the issues treated by it, except for economy, were also discussed in some new journals.&nbsp;<br>In 1953, the publishing of Pregled was restarted with Hasan Brkić and Mladen Čaldarović as its editors-in-chief. Enver Redžić was editor-in-chief from 1964 until 1967. Pregled monitored and supported the work of self-managed structures in all the spheres of economy and social life, especially experiences in the socialist management of the economy. The journal dealt with the issues of older and recent history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the attempt to shed light upon some important events, through a historical-materialistic method, and remove different idealistic views, which made true understanding of the past difficult. Conceived in this way, Pregled was, in the period of ten years, among the few journals in the former Yugoslavia which autonomously, critically and courageously treated numerous economical, political, scientific-social and general cultural issues, thus gaining a significant reputation.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">A new editorial board took over the journal in 1967, with dr. Besim Ibrahimpašić as the editor-in-chief. The editorial board was located at the University of Sarajevo building, the 7/III Obala Street. University of Sarajevo became the publisher. (Pregled predavanja 1969/1970, University of Sarajevo, p. 21.). This new editorial board continued with the previously verified concept, so the journal abound in articles which carried the essence of the time it belonged to, all written with critical sensibility and feelings for the issues that needed to be addressed, discussed and judged. It treated all that was progressive in the tradition and reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Europe and the world. From 1971 to 1974 a new editorial board came to the scene with dr. Arif Tanović as the editor-in-chief. The journal focused more strongly on domestic issues and processes, examining all that was of the essence and stimulating all that was progressive. That was a journal which accepted no dogmatism and sectarianism, for which no issue was a taboo and no name was untouchable.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">All the subsequent editorial boards and editors (for example, Franjo Kožul, Fuad Muhić, Radovan Milanović) continued the work based on the best traditions of the previous boards of editors. Pregled enables the reader to learn about the current social issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as about the current political and social issues in Europe and the world. Promotion of critical discourse with a strong humanistic resonance makes Pregled a source of intellectual inspiration and an inspiring obligation to go forward.<br>The last issue of Pregled was published in late 1990, when Džemal Sokolović was editor-in-chief. <br>After a 13-year-long break, in 2003, University of Sarajevo started publishing Pregled again. The editorial board was headed by Prof. dr. Salih Fočo. <br>The new editorial board, headed by prof. dr. Mirko Pejanović and prof. dr. Mustafa Imamović, attempts to realize a project for acquiring the rank of an indexed journal. For that purpose, in 2006 and 2007, copies of the journal were sent to the Thomson Reuters (Scientific) Ltd databases in the United States. A positive response is expected later in the year.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">In May 2009, Pregled was indexed at the INDEX COPERNICUS database, famous for the collection of summaries and full versions of texts published in journals. Having initiated the procedure for acquiring reference at EBSCO database, Pregled has been included in the list of referent journals. The latest issues will soon be available in the EBSCO search base.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">In 2008, the editorial board published three issues, as well as a special edition in English entitled Survey.</p> University of Sarajevo, Rectorate en-US Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 0032-7271 Jugoslavija – država neuspjelog nacionalizma / Yugoslavia – A State of Failed Nationalism <p style="text-align: justify;">Text is a book review by Dejan Jović, Introduction to Yugoslavia, Zagreb: Fraktura, 2023., 490 pgs.</p> Husnija Kamberović Copyright (c) 2024 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 65 1 165 171 10.48052/19865244.2024.1.163 Interpretacija baštine za održivi razvoj Bosne i Hercegovine / Interpretation of Heritage for Sustainable Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina <p style="text-align: justify;">This text is a review of a book by Zoran Bibanović Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cultural Gate of Europe, Library National Treasure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 2023, presented delivered at the presentation held at the Bosnian Cultural Center in Sarajevo on 29 February 2024.</p> Mirza Hebib Copyright (c) 2024 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 65 1 173 175 10.48052/19865244.2024.1.171 Politički kontekst denominacije bosanskih Muslimana u Bošnjake / The Political Context of the Denomination of Bosnian Muslims into Bosniaks <p style="text-align: justify;">The session of the "All-Bosniac Assembly", in September 1993, belongs to the series of historical events with a double interpretation form. Except as a culminating act of national self-awareness, this event is also titled as Bosniak sympathy in the negotiation process, which really changes the historical face of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Unknown facts are that the assembly process started with the idea of a "All-Bosnian Assembly", within the Assembly of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and abruptly ended in a one-party, and with it, single-national form. Documents and original testimonies show that the change in the name, organizer and topic of the Bosnian assembly was caused by the abrupt negotiation agreements on the tripartite Bosnia and Herzegovina, agreed at the beginning of September 1993. The planned assembly, on the position and future of the war-torn ZAVNOBiH state, came down to a Bosniak plenum on their own future in the new Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main topic of the "All-Bosniac Assembly" was related to the state-territorial reorganization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, whereby the denomination of Bosnian Muslims into Bosniaks appeared as a negotiation precondition. The organizers of the "All-Bosniac Assembly" raise the question of the benefits and harms of "further emphasizing Bosniakness", while one of the key actors of this session claims that by insisting on Bosnian Muslimness "we are causing suspicion in Europe". According to this context, Bosniakness, as a historical category of Bosnian nationality, appears at the "All-Bosniac Assembly" as a political tool in the service of the negotiation process. The national emancipation of Bosnian Muslims into Bosniaks is revealed as a consequence of international negotiation pressure, on the one hand, or as a result of the reduction of state politics to ethnic politics, on the other.</p> Šaćir Filandra Semir Halilović Copyright (c) 2024 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 65 1 01 18 10.48052/19865244.2024.1.1 Pozicija religije u digitalnom dobu / Position of Religion in Digital Age <p style="text-align: justify;">Whenever the topic of religion is in question, Heraclitus' thought about the "logos" in the world that "neither hides nor reveals itself" comes to the fore. According to him, "logos" is the universal principle of the cosmos, the principle of the unity of opposites, and to know it one must make a mental effort, which is nothing but the light of faith as such. The "Logos" is the "cosmic connector" and is operative in all things because it unites the two opposite poles, God's speech, and the world. The world is nothing but "symbolic speech of God". Human imagination has the ability to clothe the spiritual ("logos") in sensory form (logic). The interpretation of symbols is based on deepening their contents and enriching their meanings through scientific research and scientific knowledge. The symbolic language of the keyboard (digital religion) is not suitable for such a thing.<br>Religion, as a variable social phenomenon prone to diffusion, is favored by the digital age in its mission, not knowing what consequences it will experience in the foreseeable future. In order to master the ideas of individuals, by inversion, he wants to present the "external activity" with faith as such, to enter the subjective world of the individual and his intimacy with God. Just as language is the medium of thought, religion is also the medium of faith. In the digital age, man becomes the medium of the media.</p> Nezir Krčalo Adnan Džafić Copyright (c) 2024 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 65 1 19 29 10.48052/19865244.2024.1.19 Medijska i društvena polarizacija u vremenu krize: BH. mediji i rat u Ukrajini / Media and Social Polarization in a Time of Crisis: Bh. Media and War in Ukraine <p style="text-align: justify;">This article examines the ways in which the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina in times of crisis relate to the already existing social polarization and the ways in which they further strengthen it. Theories of social polarization were used, with a special emphasis on interpretive polarization, in which the media play a crucial role. The focus of the research is reporting on the Ukrainian crisis, in order to consider the patterns that have developed in media reporting, especially when it comes to different approaches in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska. The research is based on the method of content analysis and in-depth structured interviews with journalists, editors and political analysts. The sample consists of the 7 most read web portals from BiH: 4 from the Federation of BiH and 3 from the RS, and the corpus totals 50 texts. A search used the keywords: Ukraine, Russia, aggression, attack, invasion, war, and the analyzed period is seven days from the beginning of the attack on Ukraine (from February 24, 2022) and seven days from the date of the first anniversary of the attack on Ukraine (from February 24 .2023). Indicators for analysis are: how the media decide what is newsworthy, how the media choose sources, how the media verify information and how the media shape the story (with special reference to how they shape it in relation to the agenda they set and the public opinion they shape). The goal is to question how much the Ukrainian crisis was used by the media to further polarize B&amp;H society, and the general conclusion is that media reporting only partially fulfills the key roles of providing comprehensive, clear information, contextualizing events and educating the public. The interpretation of the events is selective and in accordance with the dominant narratives and, as such, does not contribute to a complete understanding of the events, and even less to a high-quality social dialogue. As a post-conflict society, Bosnia and Herzegovina should have a much greater sensitivity to the events in Ukraine, and the media should approach this topic with much more attention, responsibility and public interest. This applies equally to the quantity and quality of information available to citizens.</p> Lejla Turčilo Copyright (c) 2024 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 65 1 31 49 10.48052/19865244.2024.1.31 Urodnjavanje bez roda? Analiza gender mehanizama u odabranim lokalnim zajednicama Bosne Hercegovine / Gender Mainstreaming Without Gender? Analysis of Gender Equality Mechanisms in Selected Local Communities of Bosnia and Herzegovina <p style="text-align: justify;">Gender equality is a democratic and civilizational standard, and mechanisms to implement gender mainstreaming have been established in many countries around the world, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. International mechanisms and women's civil society organizations are the main carriers of these changes, but the real impact of gender mainstreaming depends on the ability of institutions and the commitment of policy makers to move gender from the margins to the center in setting public policy at all levels of government. Unfortunately, across globally, the norm and practice diverge, especially at the local level. In the countries of the Western Balkans, these problems are even more pronounced and insufficiently articulated in academic research. Therefore, this paper analyzes the results of a survey conducted in local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research included an analysis of legal provisions at the local level and interviews with relevant stakeholders (women activists and members of local equality commissions). The analysis shows that gender equality is addressed in a fragmented and inconsistent manner, that it is not adequately addressed in local documents, and that local gender mechanisms (commissions for gender equality) have been formed to fulfill a formal obligation. In communities with no profiled women's organizations, the situation is even worse when it comes to the possibility of monitoring and improving the work of these mechanisms.</p> Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović Amila Ždralović Copyright (c) 2024 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 65 1 51 71 10.48052/19865244.2024.1.51 Kreiranje i modifikacija identiteta na društvenim mrežama / Creation and Modification of Identity on Social Network <p style="text-align: justify;">Decentralized media such as the Internet – affirms the loosening of inhibitions that normally in non-virtual communication and self-presentation enable the building of relationships that are in line with socially generally accepted norms of behavior whose authority fades within a medium that bypasses censorship of expression. In the time of emphasized individualistic culture, we witness the reductionism of identity on social networks. The focus is put on “branding” your own identity and the aim that goes toward marketing and not authetnic self-representation. The article will present a synthesis of a sociopsychological review of the problem of virtual networking, an attempt to look at a social phenomenon that requires multidisciplinarity through the prism of different approaches.</p> Antonio Topić Dijana Ivanišević Copyright (c) 2024 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 65 1 73 90 10.48052/19865244.2024.1.73 Marketinška koncepcija kao preduvjet održivosti novih poduzetničkih pothvata u Bosni i Hercegovini / Marketing Conception as a Prerequisite for the Sustainability of New Entrepreneurial Ventures in Bosnia and Herzegovina <p style="text-align: justify;">Sustainable competitiveness is essential for the initial survival and long-term success of a company. Looking at competitiveness through the lens of sustainability, business success is not measured solely by profitability and market share, but by consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Meeting consumer expectations effectively attracts attention, creates long-term demand, and thus market survival and success. In order to examine the perception of new entrepreneurs about the basic determinants of sustainable competitiveness, a combined qualitative and quantitative research methodology was used. The research is based on the assumption that new entrepreneurs in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the critical first three years of business focus on quantitative factors and indicators of market success, while neglecting consumer satisfaction and loyalty as fundamental determinants of the marketing concept. Quantitative research was conducted using a questionnaire that surveyed 156 owners and/or managers of new business ventures in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 12 in-depth interviews with the owners of new entrepreneurial ventures were also conducted to ensure a deeper understanding of the meaning of the data collected by the questionnaire. The presented research results can help when providing appropriate advisory and educational services to novice entrepreneurs in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.</p> Ivana Bekić Nerma Saračević Jadranka Ivanković Copyright (c) 2024 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 65 1 91 114 10.48052/19865244.2024.1.89 Novi upravni postupci u Bosni i Hercegovini / New Administrative Procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina <p style="text-align: justify;">Laws on administrative procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina still contain unharmonized normative solutions and close the gap. Because of such weakness substantive private and administrative law application can not to fail under the principle of good governance. Therefore, they need to be further edited by taking over of better solutions from comparative administrative law and by removing of contradictories to create new legal norms. So it will be in all parts administrative procedure created assumptions for establishing of effective authority. Normative text will be longer and will enable more qualitative substantive and international administrative law application transformed in ordinary law. The largest changes are between the principles, because it is necessary to regulate new general legal principles of administrative procedures.</p> Enver Ajanović Copyright (c) 2024 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 65 1 115 144 10.48052/19865244.2024.1.113 Konferencija u Wannseeu i izazovi memorijalizacije / Wannsee Conference and Memorialization Challenges <p style="text-align: justify;">The Holocaust permanently changed the European continent, and its end and the passing of time bring with it the challenges of remembering and building a society based on different values from those that produced mass crimes and resulted in millions of murdered Jews, Roma, and other social groups that National Socialism recognized as undesirable. The challenge of memory is related primarily to its content, but also to the way it materializes in physical space. With its history, Villa Wannsee illustrates the complex relationship of German society to the legacy of the Holocaust and the long road to recognition of the extent of its damage. From the meeting place of Nazi officials for the administrative organization of the implementation of the Holocaust, through the youth center, to the memorial center, Villa Wannsee bears witness to the initial unwillingness of German society to face Nazi crimes and the gradual development of a culture of remembrance and social education about all the dangers of a state guided by the ideas of the supremacy of one group. whether racial, national or based on other discriminatory grounds.</p> Lamija Muftić Copyright (c) 2024 Pregled: časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 65 1 145 162 10.48052/19865244.2024.1.143